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Stile arcaico

Vaso in stile arcaico

Stile arcaico; boccale sec. XIV - Antique style; 14th century jug - Archaischer Stil Krug XIV. Jh - Style Archaïque; broc XIVe siècle

La notorietà di Faenza come "terra d'arte" e luogo privilegiato della produzione ceramica, risale al XII secolo.
La sua stagione artisticamente più significativa viene raggiunta durante il Rinascimento, inaugurando una serie di tipologie tecnologiche e decorative che costituiranno il nucleo della tradizione delle "faenze" note in tutto il mondo.

Even as far back as the twelfth century, Faenza was renowned for being a "land of art" and privileged location for the production of pottery.
From an artistic viewpoint, Faenza reached the most significant period of its history during the Renaissance. During this period, it developed the series of decorative and technical typologies that was to form the nucleus of what would become the traditional "faience", known throughout the world.

Faenza war schon im 12. Jahrhundert als "Kunstland" und Vorzugsort für die Keramikproduktion berühmt.
Die künstlerisch bedeutendste Epoche erfolgt während der Renaissance erreicht, mit der Einweihung einer Reihe von technologischen und dekorativen Typologien, die den Kern der in der ganzen Welt bekannten Fayencen-Tradition bilden werden.

La notoriété de Faenza en tant que "ville d'art" et lieu privilégié pour la production de ceramique remonte au XIIe siècle.
Elle connâit sa période la plus significative du point de vue artistique à la Renaissance, à travers l'inauguration de nouvelles typologies technologiques et décoratives qui représenteront le centre de la tradition de la "faïence" connue dans le monde entier.